No ho he pogut evitar. Una petita història de les classes d'anglès que, com a treballadora del món de les finances i amant dels propis somnis i moments, m'ha fet somriure... Un d'aquells textos que fan reflexionar, sobre la vida que duem, la complicació de les coses, el ritme frenètic i la senzillesa intrínseca del dia a dia, que al cap i a la fi, no sempre hem de ser banquers, la felicitat del pescador pot omplir la nostra vida tant o més!
Espero que us agradi! (intentaré traduir-la al català en un comentari)
The fisherman and the banker
An American banker was walking on a beautiful beach in a small Mexican village. He saw a fisherman in his boat with a few fish on it.
'Great fish!' he said. 'How long did it take you to catch them?'
'Not very long,' answered the fisherman.
'Why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more?' asked the banker.
'Ther are just enough fish here to feed my family,' answered the Mexican.
Then the American asket, 'But what do you do the rest of the time?'
'I sleep late, I fish a littler, I play with my kids, I have siestas. In the evening, I go to see my friends in the village. We drink wine and play the guitar. I'm busier than you think. Life here isn't as...'
The American interrupted him. 'I have an MBA from Harvard University and I can help you. You're not fishing as much as you can. If you start fishing for longer periods of time, you'll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. Then with the money you'll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat and then a third one and so on. Then instead of selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even open your own factory. Then you'll be able to leave your littel village for Mexico City and finally move to New Yourk, where you could direct the company.'
'How long will that take?' asked the Mexican.
'About 15 to 20 years,' answered the banker.
'And then?'
'Then it gets more interesting,' said the American, smiling and talking more quickly. 'When the moment comes, you can put your company on the stock market and you will make millions.'
'Millions? But then what?'
'Then you can retire, live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kids,...'
Espero que us agradi! (intentaré traduir-la al català en un comentari)
The fisherman and the banker
An American banker was walking on a beautiful beach in a small Mexican village. He saw a fisherman in his boat with a few fish on it.
'Great fish!' he said. 'How long did it take you to catch them?'
'Not very long,' answered the fisherman.
'Why didn't you stay at sea longer to catch some more?' asked the banker.
'Ther are just enough fish here to feed my family,' answered the Mexican.
Then the American asket, 'But what do you do the rest of the time?'
'I sleep late, I fish a littler, I play with my kids, I have siestas. In the evening, I go to see my friends in the village. We drink wine and play the guitar. I'm busier than you think. Life here isn't as...'
The American interrupted him. 'I have an MBA from Harvard University and I can help you. You're not fishing as much as you can. If you start fishing for longer periods of time, you'll get enough money from selling the fish to buy a bigger boat. Then with the money you'll get from catching and selling more fish, you could buy a second boat and then a third one and so on. Then instead of selling your fish to shops, you could sell them directly to a fish factory, or even open your own factory. Then you'll be able to leave your littel village for Mexico City and finally move to New Yourk, where you could direct the company.'
'How long will that take?' asked the Mexican.
'About 15 to 20 years,' answered the banker.
'And then?'
'Then it gets more interesting,' said the American, smiling and talking more quickly. 'When the moment comes, you can put your company on the stock market and you will make millions.'
'Millions? But then what?'
'Then you can retire, live in a small village by the sea, go to the beach, sleep late, play with your kids,...'
Un banquer americà caminava per una bonica platja en un petit poble mexicà. Va veure a un pescador a la seva barca amb un peix.
'Magnífic aquest peix', va dir. 'Quan de temps has necessitat per pescar-lo?'
'No massa'
'Per què no et quedes més temps per pescar altres peixos com aquests?'
'Tinc peix suficient per alimentar la meva família'.
Llavors, l'americà pregunta: 'però que fas la resta de temps?'
'Dormo fins tard, pesco una mica, jugo amb els meus fills, faig la migdiada. A la tarda, me'n vaig a veure els amics al poble, bevem vi i toquem la guitarra. Estic més ocupat del que es pensa. La vida aquí no és...'
L'americà l'interromp. 'Tinc un MBA de la universitat de Harvard i el puc ajudar. No està pescant tant com pot. Si comencés a pescar durant més temps, guanyaria els diners suficients per comprar-se una barca més gran. Llavors, amb els diners que rebria de vendre més peix, podria comprar una segona barca i una tercera i així. Llavors, en comptes de vendre vostè mateix el peix a les botigues, podria vendre-la directament a una fàbrica de peix, o obrir la seva pròpia fàbrica. Llavors seria capaç de deixar el seu petit pobre per Mexico City i finalment traslladar-se a New York, on podria dirigir la seva companyia.'
'Quan de temps trigaria?'
'Entre 15 i 20 anys'.
'I llavors?'
'Llavors ve el més interessant' digué l'americà, somrient i parlant més ràpid. 'Quan arribés el moment, podria vendre accions de la seva companyia i guanyaria milions'.
'Milions? I després què?'
'Llavors es podria retirar, viure en un poble petit al costat del mar, anar a la platja, jugar amb els seus fills,...'
Jo sóc de les quals penso que cal treballar per viure no viure per treballar.
jo també vull ser com el pescador.
un petonàs